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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 17:07 (GMT)

Apache Ant Ant is an installation tool similar to make build that creates a directory structure and fills it with files as directed by a special buildfile called ...
Website Checklist and Troubleshooting Checklist Summary: * Check website regularly: * Login as admin cosmic: * View all analyses *...
CIMA CIMA is the CMS Instrument for Masterclass Analysis, a special piece of PHP software used for CMS Masterclasses. It's not part of the CMS e Lab, but it is w...
TOPIC: How to merge the Fermi and CI CVS es and how to clean up the ELabs eLabs GOAL: Everything should be in the CI CVS. Fermi CVS will be deprecated (as in READ...
Asymmetric file deployment Noted while dealing with Username/Password Retrieval bug. After deploying changes to the repo file common/src/jsp/login/retrieve userna...
Moving to Git This page describes how I (Joel) initially set up the e Labs repository in Git. Ideally, nothing here should have to be repeated. For documentatio...
QuarkNet Servers Bare Metal Servers The e Labs website and e Labs are served from three SuperMicro servers located at Notre Dame's Center for Research Computing....
ELabs Development Systems The VMs {name} purpose i2u2 prod Server for e Labs site i2u2 dev Development prior to deplo...
iSpy The iSpy Event Display is used in the CMS e Lab and in CMS Masterclasses. It is maintained primarily by Tom McCauley on GitHub. Structure iSpy is served fr...
Local Filestructure The quarkcat user We create a system user called quarkcat to maintain consistency among developers. On a Linux system, create this user as ...
Ant Local Installation Ant is yet another Apache product that specializes in converting source files into Java applications. We use Ant during the deployment proc...
Local Setup If you're setting up a local copy of the website for the first time, you're possibly new to QuarkNet. Check out the New Members Guide if you haven't a...
Steps for adding changes to e Lab * Developer makes change to code ? spelling or code * Developer tests thoroughly on a development machine. * Developer commit...
r11 - 2007-03-28 - 16:30 by LizQuigg
Present: Tibi, Liz, Mike Jr. (Mihael), Bob and Tom J. Routing of users from Liz reported rollout of new pages for onto production...
Present: Liz, Mike W., Bob and Tom J. Eric Myers: We discussed including him on the telecon next Wednesday (May 16th) His first milestone ahoudl be to get ra...
Meeting Notes for 21 November 2007 Present: Liz, , Mihael, TomJ, Bob, Eric, Mike Absent: TomL, Standing up the New Data Server Mihael announced Rick in Syste...
Meeting Notes for 28 November 2007 Present: Eric, Mihael, Randy, Bob, Liz, Tom L. , Tom J. Port 8080 and Reverse Proxy Dale Ingram and Bob Peterson have noticed ...
Meeting Notes for 12 December 2007 Present: Eric, Mihael, Liz Absent: Bob, Mike W. Randy, Tom L. , Dan K., K. Whelan Joao, and Tom J. (Tom J., Kris and Bob at ...
r7 - 2007-12-18 - 19:12 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 9 April 2008 Present: Bob, Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz; Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Eric Release of Refactored Code take time t...
r6 - 2008-04-16 - 14:17 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 16 April 2008 Present: Bob, Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz, Joao, Eric; Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris Release of Refactored Code Problem w...
r10 - 2008-04-23 - 02:01 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 23 April 2008 Present: Bob, Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz, Eric, Marge; Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Status of i2u2 grant Marge gav...
r9 - 2008-04-30 - 15:56 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 14 May 2008 Present: Bob, Tom J., Mihael, Liz, Eric Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom L. Taiwan Report: Working Taiwanese e Lab M...
r5 - 2008-06-20 - 15:52 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 4 June 2008 Present: Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz, Eric, Tim Hart, Liz Absent: : Bob, Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Tim Hart is Washington ...
r6 - 2008-06-10 - 22:12 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 16 July 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Tom L. Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob Modes of working #8211; SVN We discussed...
r6 - 2008-07-16 - 18:58 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 29 October 2008 Present: Dan, Eric, Liz, Tom L.,Tom J. Bob Report on CMS Java Applet Interface What follows is Dan K's description via e mail...
Meeting Notes for 08 April 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, Marge, Mihael, Eric Absent: Bob, TomL, TomJ Upload * It is hateful and drives Mihael to tears * Tra...
r10 - 2009-04-08 - 16:39 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 29 Jul 2009 Present: Phong, Mihael, TomL Absent: Marge, Liz, Bob, TomJ, Eric, TomL Cosmic * Weird wiki path issues. Investigating. LIGO ...
r7 - 2009-07-29 - 16:21 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 2 September 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL, TomJ, Bob Absent: Marge, Eric CMS * Beta by 1 November * Mihael and Phong to ND agai...
r18 - 2009-09-02 - 16:32 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 30 September 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, TomL, DanK Absent: Eric, Marge, Bob, TomJ, Mihael General * We have two different wikis (Teacher spec...
Meeting Notes for 29 Sep 2010 Present:Liz, Bob, TomL Absent: Marge, Phong, TomJ Common There were server problems on www13. Many pages seemed to be missing. L...
r4 - 2010-09-30 - 01:53 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 24 Nov 2010 Present: Liz, Phong, TomJ, TomL Absent: Bob, Marge Common * www10 is being goofy; I'm in the process of trying to migrate the s...
r14 - 2010-12-01 - 16:50 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 11 Apr 2012 Present: Phong, Liz, TomJ, BobAbsent: TomL, Marge, KenC, TomM Cosmic * Stupid blessing blocker :( CMS * Worked on LIGO *...
NEW - 2012-04-11 - 16:24 by phongn
Meeting Notes for 18 Apr 2012 Present: Phong, Liz, TomJ, BobAbsent: TomL, Marge, KenC, TomM Common * Need the giant master list of users and a way to keep it ...
Meeting Notes for 2 May 2012 Present: Phong, Liz, TomJ, Bob, MargeAbsent: KenC, TomM, TomL General * Going to ANL next week * Stand up QuarkNet homepag...
NEW - 2012-05-02 - 17:14 by phongn
Meeting Notes for 21 October Present: Bob, Mark ( by phone), Liz, Ken, Joel, Marge, Sudha, Uta General * Wiki references: * Sudha is moving is moving w...
r2 - 2015-11-11 - 17:01 by liz
Meeting Notes for 2 March Present: Joel, Liz, Mark, Ken, Sudha Cosmic Time of Flight * Mark and Sudha have been making edits and fixes. 2nd draft might be fin...
NEW - 2016-03-02 - 16:59 by jgriffith
Meeting Notes for 16 March Present: Joel, Ken, Marge, Liz, Mark, Sudha Cosmic GPS * Everyone seems okay with the method of hiding 0,0 detectors. Mark and Sudh...
Meeting Notes for 6 April Present: Joel, Ken, Liz, Sudha, Marge, Mark, Tom Drupal Site Lots of uncertainty remains about the future of the Drupal site. The funda...
Meeting Notes for 27 July Present: Joel, Liz, Edit, Sudha, Marge Special appearance by Edit today, who's graciously agreed to help us figure out a few things abou...
Meeting Notes for 2 November Present: Liz, Joel, Mark, Sudha, Ken Neutrinos Ken reports good progress on developing Masterclasses with three major neutrino exper...
Meeting Notes for 17 May Present: Sudha, Marge, Mark, Ken, Liz, Joel Drupal * Sudha and Xeno Media developers had a productive meeting at Fermilab on Monday. ...
Meeting Notes for 31 May Present: Liz, Mark, Kevin, Marge, Tom, Joel, Ken Drupal * Kevin will put together a summary of the implications on timing, re syncing...
Meeting Notes for 4 October Present: Sudha, Senem, Mark, Tom, Joel, Adam, Shane, Ken Drupal * Senem has arranged so that Sudha can deploy directly to producti...
Meeting Notes for 4 October Present: Sudha, Senem, Mark, Tom, Joel, Adam, Shane, Ken Drupal * The issue with Annual Report uploads seems to be that Word docum...
Meeting Notes for 14 March Present: Senem, Joel, Mark, Ken, Tom, Adam, Marge e Labs * Joel removed the CAPTCHA from the password reset page beca...
New Release Process This page will describe the new rollout/release strategy and proceedure using SVN. When it is finished the old page will be renamed, and the...
* Deal with LIGO * Fix known bugs: * shared logins done , * missing links, * weird removal of data files, * cpldfrequency done ...
r6 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
Password/Username Retrieval Error On Feb 3 Rebecca J reported that the username and password retrieval function is not working. From the page http://i2u2 dev.crc....
Background In order for the testing process to be effective and give meaningful feedback on how the same code would behave on the production machine, the test mac...
r8 - 2007-05-23 - 13:52 by TiberiuStefPraun
Subversion (SVN) Subversion (often abreviated SVN) is a popular version control system, similar to CVS (the Concurrent Versions System). SVN is touted as a modern...
During Q4 2015, QuarkNet is transferring its primary ELabs data operations from the MCS division of Argonne National Laboratory to the Center for Research Computi...
Outstanding Tasks Loss of pre migration data Improvements to CIMA LIGO plotting problems Resolved Tasks Password/Username Retrieval Miscellaneous Notes Deployme...
Troubleshooting Cookbook Tomcat restart on www18: sudo service tomcat6 restart Tomcat restart on www13: sudo /etc/init.d/i2u2tomcat restart We're still running on...
r2 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
Apache Subversion (SVN) Subversion (SVN) is a powerful, centralized version control system that stores source code and allows changes to it to be tracked over tim...
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 55
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