TOPIC: How to merge the Fermi and CI CVS-es and how to clean up the ELabs eLabs

GOAL: Everything should be in the CI CVS. Fermi CVS will be deprecated (as in READ-ONLY)

CVS Directories:

  • common, cosmic, cosmic_vdl2, cms, cms_vdl2


  • Dcosmic = common + cosmic
  • Dcosmic_vdl2 = common + cosmic + cosmic_vdl2
  • Dcms = common + cms
  • Dcms_vdl2 = common + cms + cms_vdl2

Note that each of these deployments must be done in the order listed ("+" is not commutative)

Plan Steps:

  1. Merge CVS's: Update cosmic codes with the latest codes from CI CVS: for each file in CI CVS, update that file with the latest changes in FNAL CVS.
  2. Factor common files into the common/ directory (based on LIGO summary sent by Liz)
    1. e-Lab name issue
    2. guest user issue
    3. common nav bar (1 for teachers and 1 for the e-Lab specific) (attach Liz's document here)
    4. Address credential issues
  3. Getting rid of RLS
  4. Fix the CMS to handle the Metadata to enable saving plots (using SVG format)
  5. Make sure that after the migration, the eLabs (cms,cosmic,ligo) still work (when using the common-code version)
  6. TAG CVS after successful testing and deployment
  7. Add build-targets to set up users (first-time only when deploying a new portal)
  8. Fix known issues in VDL2 ELabs code
  9. Update VDL2 stuff to include dynamic selection of local vs. Grid execution; establish production Grid execution site(s)

  • Test on www12 or www10 ? (ben ?)
  • Provide a generic eLab (as an example to show how to use I2U2)
  • Continue completing the ELabsTestingDocument

-- Main.MichaelWilde - 19 Dec 2006
Topic revision: r26 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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