Meeting Notes for 14 May 2008
Present: Bob, Tom J., Mihael, Liz, Eric
Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom L.
Taiwan Report:
Working Taiwanese e-Lab
Miheal has a document that outlines the steps.
He worked with a govt. research lab and installed the e-Lab on their machines; Stuart will work with the staff there.
Potential for Taiwan Contributing
Because they will be translating the jsp pages, they cannot check in their versions into SVN. They may contribute to the analyses, but it would be hard for them to update code.
Bob sent out a list. The order has not significance. The number indicates the Bugzilla bug number.
Mihael: In general, please put as much detail into what you mean when you enter a bug. Placeholders aren’t useful if it is not clear what they are a placeholder for!
86: Testing Suite
(updated JMeter stuff) Can be run manually; run with a deployment. Mihael looks at the results after a deployment.
Bob: it is a partial test;
Action Item: Mihael will send Bob instructions on how to run it. It is probably in the wiki.
Action Item: Bob will attach the document describing all the tests to the wiki.
We need a tool to show stats about the use of the e-lab. Eric and Mihael tested Webalizer and Bob said it would do. Mihael will roll it out on Friday. It’s web-based. We decided that did not need to hide them from the general public
182: Cert dialog boxes –
We need money for certificates. Under $100 per year. We will ask Marge how to pay for this. (GoDaddy has this price.)
201: Mirror Site – need another site with a copy of e-Lab.
Copying the data once a week. We need scripts to do this. It would take one or two weeks to write the scripts. We need the mirror when Argonne is really sick. Currently www17 is the backup for www18. Mihael has it set up to go to 17 if www18 goes down. We need to test www17 some more. Add an email in the code when we switch that goes to If 18 and 17 fall over; we can switch to www12.
The items listed above should take Mihael 1 week to complete (note: in Mihael time – this is one month).
202: Turn-on e-Labs --> Ligo, CMS (2 weeks), Atlas
This is extremely important and includes the work Mihael needs to do to get the CMS e-Lab analyses working with SWIFT.
Mihael now has a list of items to work on; he will fit completing these into his work schedule.
GEO file Problem
Tom is working on the geo file issue. There are no geometry entries associated with some of the data. He is worried that we dropped some existing entries. Do we want to prevent people from removing GEO entries. How can we do this if they need to be able to edit the file? Maybe the solution is version control. (i.e., making dated backup of the current file before changing it.) We need some clarifying comments about how GEO works.
*Action Item: TJ: add bug to Bugzilla to force version control on GEO file (enhancement)
Displaying School Sites with GoogleEarth
Eric is going to work on this once he gets the data from Tom and Bob.
- TJ: send to EM Lat/Long for each CRMD and name of location
- build google earth placement file
- It will be good for workshops and PR
- RSP: database search DAQ# --> school
- Benefits: carrot to users: join the Google CRMD map
- automate long-term
-- Main.LizQuigg - 15 May 2008