Meeting Notes for 30 September 2009

Present: Liz, Phong, TomL, DanK
Absent: Eric, Marge, Bob, TomJ, Mihael


  • We have two different wikis (Teacher-specific, ELabs-Library); at some point we should probably merge the wikis.
  • Top-level wiki on www13 is presently broken - Phong is investigating.


  • Ideally get as much done by 24 October
  • TomL would prefer some gradients in the buttons to show the old student contributions
  • Lots of content probably to be migrated into the wiki and transcluded into our system.
    • Remember that content on www13 is development-only
    • Wiki on www13 needs to have page notifications enabled so that authorized persons can migrate data to the production wiki on www18
  • Whole bunch of stuff on the spreadsheet to be completed by the time of the due date
  • Distinguish between the Test Beam and Monte Carlo/Run data
    • /elab/cms/ : Monte-Carlo and Run Data
    • /elab/cms-tb/ : Test Beam
    • This will require updating the deployment scripts


  • Window pinning is in progress (and some misc other changes)
  • Once all those issues are done DanK will check it into the ELabs SVN.


  • Nifty visualization tool - but it's an interactive X11 application
  • Maybe at some point remotely run it to generate images for our system.
  • Quite down the road

-- Main.PhongNguyen - 30 Sep 2009
Topic revision: r17 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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