Meeting Notes for 4 October
Present: Sudha, Senem, Mark, Tom, Joel, Adam, Shane, Ken
- The issue with Annual Report uploads seems to be that Word documents with embedded jpegs are disallowed by Drupal. Sudha will ask Senem to address that as an urgent issue. In the meantime, converting to pdf and creating the report (and embedding jpegs) directly in the Drupal interface seem to work.
- Kevin will need to contact Mitch to help determine Xeno Media's work structure on the site for the future. Sudha is maintaining a list of non-urgent tasks.
- Ken will get a tutorial from Sudha on Bootstrap while visiting Fermilab next Wednesday (the 18th)
- Ken would like a hit count for the Friday Flyers. Sudha and Joel will look into it, but they expect that should be easy to obtain in Drupal.
Joel is reading the source code for conversion of LIGO frames into ELabs streams.
- If we intend to have MINERνA Masterclasses in the spring, Ken notes we should start the advertisement/signup process soon.
- Access to the data is slow, since the Masterclass group is using the same event display as the experiment's collaborators. Once we move to Arachne on a separate server, that might solve the problem.
Moving the e-Labs source code from SVN to Git is progressing well, but will probably be postponed so that Joel can work on fixing the LIGO e-Lab
- The current task is re-writing the deployment scripts
- Developers should help identify portions of the code base that can be dropped
-- Main.JoelG - 2017-10-11