Meeting Notes for 24 Nov 2010

Present: Liz, Phong, TomJ, TomL
Absent: Bob, Marge


  • www10 is being goofy; I'm in the process of trying to migrate the stuff over to vm1 and eventually moving over to it.
  • Deployment scheduled for 3 Dec.


  • Insufficient data - 300 events just isn't enough
    • Student can't do anything with so few datapoints.
  • Restore the mean back from legacy OGRE?
    • Give it to TomM as an exercise?
  • Issues with the rundata vs MC data formats
    • Bit of a hack to get the existing format running based on sign differences
  • Get a video conference between Mihael, TomM, TomL, Jamie and Phong to get things rolling?


  • Datastream from LIGO appears to be offline as of November 2.
  • All data regenerated from the past

-- Main.PhongNguyen - 24 Nov 2010
Topic revision: r14 - 2010-12-01, PhongNguyen
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