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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 21:20 (GMT)

Notes on the 11 12 August 2009 LIGO Workshop at Notre Dame General Overview * The users liked the system, but also struggled in some places. Big Issues ...
r12 - 2009-08-12 - 16:30 by PhongNguyen
Bluestone Regression Testing This page lists a series of test ("regresssions") which should be performed whenever a new version of Bluestone is released or insta...
r2 - 2009-03-24 - 16:29 by EricMyers
Bluestone Update Procedure This page describes the proceedure to follow to release ("roll out") a new revision of the Bluestone software. It also describes how ...
Bluestone Release Versions The version number of a Bluestone release can be found in the lower left corner of every web page. During the software development proc...
r10 - 2009-06-02 - 15:22 by EricMyers
Building Bluestone from Source code Bluestone itself is a web interface to GDS and DMTROOT, so what you need to build from source code are ROOT and GDS. Here is a...
r5 - 2008-12-17 - 16:58 by EricMyers
ELabs Cluster power up checklist The following steps should be performed whenever a cluster machine (or all cluster machines) are rebooted or powered up from main...
Failure Recovery While we always hope for and expect success, we also need to plan for failure. Disk drives wear out, and machines crash, and this is a normal p...
Google Earth Placemarks (also includes Google Maps) General Notes: * Google Earth allows you to create "bookmarks for places," which are called ...
r29 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
January 2009 ELabs Meeting ELabs members will meet January 7 8 at Fermilab. As a first step to developing our agenda, we should first understand the priorities f...
January 2009 ELabs Meeting ELabs members will meet January 7 8 at the Adler Planetarium. As a first step to developing our agenda, we should first understand the...
LIGO e Lab Notes and Links The LIGO experiment monitors seismic activity at its observatory sites in Livingston, LA and Hanford, WA in order to account for this b...
LIGO ELabs Data Relay Server * PEM: Physics Environment Monitoring; seems to be a catch all label for environmental background monitoring at LIGO. Source of ra...
LIGO Storage Requirements LIGO data are stored in "frame" files, with names like H M 864565200 3600.gwf, in a directory hierarchy of the form /data/ligo/frames/t...
LIGOtools LIGOtools is a package management system (written in perl) used to distribute software commonly used for LIGO data analyses. It is similar, at least ...
Meeting Notes for 3 October 2007 Present: Liz, Eric, Mihael, TomL, TomJ Bob, Mike Hardware CDW will be sending the new machine out in the week. Power Up Check...
Meeting Notes for 28 November 2007 Present: Eric, Mihael, Randy, Bob, Liz, Tom L. , Tom J. Port 8080 and Reverse Proxy Dale Ingram and Bob Peterson have noticed ...
Meeting Notes for 19 December 2007 Present: Eric, Mihael, Liz, Tom L., Tom J. Absent: Bob, Mike W. Randy, Dan K., K. Whelan, Joao New data server Mihael has th...
r5 - 2008-01-15 - 22:17 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 23 January 2008 Present: Tom L., Liz, Mihael, Eric; Absemt: Dan K, Mike W., Randy., Kris, Joao, Tom J. Bob, LIGO wiki incident Eric reported o...
r8 - 2008-01-24 - 14:02 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 19 March 2008 Present: Liz, Tom L., Bob, Eric (showed up late) Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Mihael, Tom J., Joao Release of Refactored...
r6 - 2008-03-31 - 14:21 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 26 March 2008 Present: Liz, Tom J., Mihael, Eric (showed up late, after his class) Absemt: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Tom L., Joao, Bob, Mar...
Meeting Notes for 2 April 2008 Present: Eric, Bob, Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz; Absemt: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Supercomputing K12 education workshop...
r11 - 2008-04-23 - 02:00 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 23 April 2008 Present: Bob, Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz, Eric, Marge; Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Status of i2u2 grant Marge gav...
r9 - 2008-04-30 - 15:56 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 30 April 2008 Present: Bob, Tom J., Tom L., Mihael, Liz, Eric; Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Handling errors Mihael seems to be g...
r5 - 2008-05-15 - 19:00 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 11 June 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric Absent: Everybody else * Eric is adding units and channel calibration to Bluestone Main.MihaelHategan ...
r3 - 2008-06-11 - 18:13 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 18 June 2008 Present: Bob, Tom L., Mihael, Liz, Eric Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J. Tom Loughran's Report: Need for Telecon...
Meeting Notes for 2 July 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric Absent: Bob, Liz, Tom L., Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J. The folks from Fermilab were unable to att...
Meeting Notes for 9 July 2008 Present: Tom L, Mihael, Eric, Liz, Bob Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J. Updating Systems at Argonne We will schedu...
r8 - 2008-07-30 - 12:08 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 16 July 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Tom L. Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob Modes of working #8211; SVN We discussed...
r6 - 2008-07-16 - 18:58 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 23 July 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Tom L. Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob IT job We discussed strategies for findin...
Meeting Notes for 30 July 2008 Present: Tom L, Mihael, Eric, Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob Progress on Action Items from Last Week: ...
r11 - 2008-08-01 - 23:06 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 6 August 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom L. Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob We had some minor problems at the beginn...
Meeting Notes for 20 August 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom L., Tom J., Dan K, Bob Absent: Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao CMS e Lab Swift #8211; Analysis Dan ...
Meeting Notes for 3 September 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom L., Tom. J, Dan K., Bob, Marge Absent: Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Evaluation Plan Marge review...
Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz Absent: Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Dan K., Bob, Tom L., Tom. J A parallel telecon on evaluation took place while we talked about tec...
r16 - 2008-09-16 - 20:24 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 8 October 2008 Present: Mihael, Tom L., Eric Absent: Liz, Tom J., Bob LIGO multiple channel plots Eric reported that he's near to releasing a...
r6 - 2008-10-09 - 12:16 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 15 October 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom L. Absent: Tom J. , Bob EVO We discussed EVO, the collaboration network again. Last week's mi...
r8 - 2008-10-28 - 20:05 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 29 October 2008 Present: Dan, Eric, Liz, Tom L.,Tom J. Bob Report on CMS Java Applet Interface What follows is Dan K's description via e mail...
Meeting Notes for 26 November 2008 Present: Mihael, Tom J., Liz,, Tom, L., Dan K. Absent: Eric, Bob, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao New OGRE pages Dan K. introdu...
r5 - 2008-12-02 - 22:15 by TomLoughran
Meeting Notes for 3 December 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom J. , Bob Absent: Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom L. , Dan K Eric's Security Problems Someone g...
r16 - 2008-12-12 - 01:45 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 21 January 2008 Present: Mihael, Liz, Phong, TomJ, Bob, Eric Absent: TomL Weekly Report Marge wants each entry in our week's progress report to...
r12 - 2009-01-22 - 13:27 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 28 January 2008 Present: Marge, Bob, Phong, TomL, TomJ, Mihael, Eric Absent: Liz (Hello!) Action Items * Mihael switches priority to paral...
Meeting Notes for 04 February 2008 Present: Marge, Bob, Phong, Liz, TomL, TomJ, Eric Absent: Mihael Action Items * Get a task list item and estimate for upda...
r17 - 2009-02-04 - 18:12 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 11 February 2008 Present: Marge, Bob, Phong, Liz, TomL, TomJ, Eric Absent: Mihael Action Items * Liz gets in touch with Dave to see if he'l...
r19 - 2009-02-11 - 17:37 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 18 February 2008 Present: Liz, Marge, Phong, Bob, Eric, Mihael, TomL Absent: Action Item * Liz, Phong, Eric get metadata integration don...
r42 - 2009-02-18 - 17:58 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 3 March 2009 Present: Liz, Marge, Bob, Mihael, Eric, TomL, TomJ Absent: Phong (ill) We went over Marge #8217;s Gantt Chart (excel spreadsheet)...
Meeting Notes for 11 March 2009 Present: Liz, Marge, Eric, Bob, TomJ, TomL, Phong Absent: Mihael Action Items * Someone needs to tell Marge what to tell the ...
r35 - 2009-03-11 - 17:08 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 18 March 2009 Present: Liz, Marge, Phong, TomL, Eric, Mihael Absent: TomJ, Bob Action Items * Mihael branches from TRUNK soon, test on www1...
r25 - 2009-03-18 - 17:00 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 25 March 2009 Present: Phong, TomL, Bob, Eric, Mihael, TomJ Absent: Liz, Marge Action Items * Someone get pictures of the servers so we kno...
r38 - 2009-03-25 - 16:50 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 08 April 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, Marge, Mihael, Eric Absent: Bob, TomL, TomJ Upload * It is hateful and drives Mihael to tears * Tra...
r10 - 2009-04-08 - 16:39 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 06 May 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, Eric, TomL, TomJ, Mihael, Bob Absent: Marge Common * Community stuff is being implemented as per Marge's sp...
Meeting Notes for 15 Jul 2009 Present: Marge, Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL Absent: Bob, TomJ, Eric Action Items * Posters gone missing on LIGO www18 Phong'll in...
r36 - 2009-07-15 - 17:29 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 22 Jul 2009 Present: Marge, Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL Absent: Bob, TomJ, Eric LIGO * 1 August Deadline * Beautify present Bluestone ...
r11 - 2009-08-12 - 16:08 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 29 Jul 2009 Present: Phong, Mihael, TomL Absent: Marge, Liz, Bob, TomJ, Eric, TomL Cosmic * Weird wiki path issues. Investigating. LIGO ...
r7 - 2009-07-29 - 16:21 by PhongNguyen
ELabs Dev Meeting at Notre Dame Attending: Mihael, Phong, Dan, TomL * We have Monte Carlo and Test Beam data (on a flash drive!) * Real data is awaiting th...
Meeting Notes for 21 October 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomJ, TomL Absent: Eric, Marge, Bob CMS * OGRE has race conditions in its code that causes it...
r10 - 2009-11-04 - 16:41 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 2 December 2009 Present: Phong, TomJ, Liz, Marge, Mihael, Bob, TomL Absent: Common * Grid computing? * Take some cues from graphical an...
r13 - 2009-12-02 - 18:02 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 16 September 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, TomL, Mihael, Dan Absent: Marge, Eric, TomJ, Bob General * SWIFT has money for maintenance work * ...
r18 - 2009-09-16 - 17:11 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 20 January 2010 Present: TomL, Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz, TomJ Absent: Marge Cosmic * Bob's finished new documentation should be pushed thi...
r9 - 2010-01-27 - 17:22 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 17 Feb 2010 Present: Phong, Mihael, Liz, TomJ, TomL Absent: Marge, Bob Action Items * Make a CMS roadmap Common * The planned data upgra...
r21 - 2010-02-17 - 17:38 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 3 Mar 2010 Present: TomL, Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz, TomJ Absent: Marge Common * IBM came out and fixed; we are still running o...
r14 - 2010-03-03 - 17:50 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 10 Mar 2010 Present: TomL, Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz, TomJ Absent: Marge Action Items * Look for bogus data Hardware * We're going to mig...
r14 - 2010-03-10 - 18:00 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 17 Mar 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz Absent: TomL, TomJ, Marge Action Items * Switch LIGO data pull cronjob (and processing) to be e...
r22 - 2010-03-17 - 17:15 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 24 Mar 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz, TomL Absent: TomJ, Marge Common * Need to deduplicate a whole bunch of stuff that is in common...
r26 - 2010-03-24 - 17:04 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 7 Apr 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Liz, TomJ, TomL, Mihael Absent: Marge Common * The boot HD on data3 is failing; ANL MCS is looking to see i...
r46 - 2010-04-20 - 21:42 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 21 Apr 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Liz, TomJ, TomL, Mihael Absent: Marge Action Items * Upload breaking bug rollback to 1.3.14 Common ...
r25 - 2010-04-21 - 17:03 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 28 Apr 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Liz, TomJ, TomL, Mihael, Marge Absent: Misc * Looks like a server issue ate our 14 Apr notes :( Common ...
Meeting Notes for 5 May 2010 Present: Phong, Liz, Mihael, Marge Absent: TomJ, Bob, TomL Action Items * Mihael, Phong, Liz send questions to Marge to forward...
r26 - 2010-05-05 - 17:12 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 12 May 2010 Present: Phong, Liz, Mihael, TomJ, Bob, TomL, DanK Absent: Marge Common * www14 fell over, MCS powercycled it * End of scho...
r31 - 2010-05-12 - 17:50 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 19 May 2010 Present: Phong, Liz, Mihael, TomJ, Bob, TomL Absent: Marge Common * ANL had some network issues a couple weeks ago possible c...
r16 - 2010-05-19 - 17:17 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 26 May 2010 Present: Phong, Liz, Mihael, TomJ, Bob, TomL Absent: Marge Common * We've got a memory leak somewhere, Mihael is investigating ...
r27 - 2010-05-26 - 17:20 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 9 Jun 2010 Present: Marge, Phong, Liz, Mihael, TomL Absent: Bob, TomJ Common * Dale had some notes about the use of the forum * Systems...
r24 - 2010-06-09 - 17:16 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 16 Jun 2010 Present: Marge, Phong, Liz, Mihael, TomL, TomJ Absent: Bob Common * Need to get the ELabs report draft sections by next week ...
Meeting Notes for 4 Aug 2010 Present: Phong, Mihael, TomL, Liz, Marge Absent: Bob, TomJ Common * Some people at ANL were doing grid portal stuff (similar to ...
r19 - 2010-08-04 - 19:15 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 8 Sep 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Liz Absent: TomL, TomJ, Marge Common * Argonne has planned power outage on Saturday, 11 September * Advi...
r9 - 2010-09-08 - 16:18 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 13 Oct 2010 Present: Liz, TomL, Phong Absent: Bob, Marge, TomJ Common * Need to get notifications properly operational * Have a blog of...
r14 - 2010-10-13 - 16:45 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 26 Sep 2012 Present: Phong, TomJ, Liz Absent: Marge, Bob, TomL Common * VDS replacement being worked on (data import, backend, etc.) * Qu...
NEW - 2012-09-26 - 16:13 by phongn
Meeting Notes for 7 Nov 2012 Present: TomJ, Liz, Marge, Bob, Ken Common Cosmic * Bug in split Ken found it * Timing Phong s problem with VDS to fix ...
NEW - 2012-11-09 - 22:21 by liz
Meeting Notes for 30 Jul Present: Liz, TomJ, Dale, Edit Ligo * We discussed all the references to Bluestone. We need to update the text and the screencasts. E...
NEW - 2014-07-30 - 14:41 by eperonja
Task List What we gotta do, who's gonna do it, how much effort it's gonna take, and when it's gonna be done. A graphical representation in the form of a GANTT ch...
r61 - 2009-01-21 - 15:09 by TomJordan
Building Software from Source Code Our servers now run a fairly up to date version of Ubuntu Linux, which includes most of the software we need. We prefer to use ...
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 81
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