Meeting Notes for 12 May 2010
Present: Phong, Liz, Mihael, TomJ, Bob, TomL, DanK
Absent: Marge
fell over, MCS powercycled it
- End of schoolyear, in June there are a bunch of workshops
- TomJ working on splitting possibly-corrupt data
- Add a comment in the metadata (e.g. "This file was reprocessed on $DATE to address a postprocessing issue").
- Upload issues
- Fix deployed last weekend - we now write directly to NFS and rename rather than write to local storage and copy
- Analysis issues
- Tomcat ran out of RAM - possible leak? We'll take a look when we can.
- Get a stack/heap dump next time
- Run a quick performance study every couple hours and email on failure?
- Helpdesk form issues
- Should get a real trouble ticket system (Bugzilla, Trac, OSTicket, RT)
- Tutorial needs to be written for Super-Bluestone
- Screencast?
- Screencasts to demonstrate events (e.g. LEP events for the masterclass.)
- Show iSpy, Fireworks or Frog displays? Some sort of JavaScript selection?
- 10-12 images, start with LEP then move to CMS. Let users get their feet wet.
- Need to get Mihael's UI working with the ROOT backend.
- The addition of signals in OGRE is nontrivial? DanK is working on it
- Is this an issue for the people generating the MC data for us?
- Trivial to split MC files? ROOT's data files are binary blogs - what does Doug mean?
- Doug is referring to the config files that builds the ROOT files.
- ROOT output? Another format?
- Doug uses iEvent or CMSSW to generate files
- From a science standpoint, randomly mix data (it'd look more like real data)
- TomJ and DanK met with RandyR and KenC
- Randy surprised about any 3D requirement
- Still looking at tools/a solution to generate these images
- Contact George @ Northeastern
- Milestones - in progress/development
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 12 May 2010