Meeting Notes for 15 Jul 2009

Present: Marge, Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL
Absent: Bob, TomJ, Eric

Action Items

  • Posters gone missing on LIGO www18 - Phong'll investigate.


  • Mihael is adding in more plots to the posters, bibliography section.
  • The one grid node we have access to has 512-1024 CPUs.
    • Bottleneck is transferring data to the grid nodes to compute things on (I/O-bound)
    • Grid storage might not be tenable.
    • Model needs to be updated for the analysis time estimator
  • Grid reliability issues
    • Credential issues.


  • 1 August deadline
    • Workshops begin 10 August
    • Complete by 1 August, test over next week and deploy on 7 Aug?
  • Redesign in progress, rollovers are up on www13, CSS cleanup in progress.
  • Mihael is testing Bluestone-on-SWIFT
    • Present Bluestone plots don't really need the power of the grid
  • How does a kid classify LIGO events?
    • Correlate with USGS data?
    • Eventually students would get a feel for data
  • Provide tools to identify and triangulate events? Plot a heading. Google Earth/Google Maps integration?
  • Eric is attempting to get data past 4 January 2009 for us.
  • LIGO community pages in the wiki are showing the wrong skin.
  • LIGO community needs to be self-contained (not showing Cosmic)
  • May have some PHP/JSP integration issues
  • Re-running Bluestone analyses would take some good amount of work.
  • Show students what an earthquake event might look like?
    • Or have students find things and then explore?
    • Teacher might want to show what one looks like.
  • 2008 posters are missing on www18

-- Main.PhongNguyen - 15 Jul 2009
Topic revision: r36 - 2009-07-15, PhongNguyen
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