Meeting Notes for 30 April 2008

Present: Bob, Tom J., Tom L., Mihael, Liz, Eric;
Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao

Handling errors

Mihael seems to be getting email to

Mihael: wanted a page for the users to tell them how to report.
Bob: We want them to use the Error report page. We will see how it is going. Bob has to sprinkle the links.


Saturday – Mihael is going to Taiwan. He needs Liz's PowerPoint presentation.

He will have a new schedule: 1 week/month – allotted time. Development time. We have to establish priorities for him. CMS work will take two weeks. He also has some bug fixing to do.


Eric thinks that he knows how to save save a plot from Bluestone to the eLab system. It's similar to what he is setting up to run a LIGO analysis under SWIFT. The one detail to work out is how his server (not browser) authenticates to the eLab system.

He is working on next version of Bluestone. Should that go on www18?
Mihael: Test on www13 and then www12 for Beta testing. Does that get the test data from i2u2 dev?

Eric – project page for LIGO shows Cosmic content. LIZ will look into this.



Should we do a quick fix? Should not be regarded as a permanent solution. Liz will try to put refactored version of study intros on www13. Then Tom L. can look at this and tell Liz any changes. Note: later discussion during the week seemed to point more to getting the Test Beam version working within the framework of the e-Lab. Mihael would be converting some of the files so maybe Liz won't need to do this.

Tom wants to be able to link to rerunning analyses. YES it works!

Tom is interested in community formation for teacher use. So is Eric.


Desired feature: Freezing posters as a feature. – Eric and Tom L. would like this.

Search Engines

Eric wanted to know: Can the GoogleBot get to our pages? Does it require Authenticiation – Authorization Can Google find things?

Search the i2u2 site: Eric can set it up so that we have our own search box, but it will use Google search. Where will it fit in? As some part of the new website, when it's designed.

Site Statistics

Webalizer will take Apache web server logs and produce nice usage reports, with bar graphs and pie charts. Eric has already used it on Pirates@Home, and he will try it out on, and then configure www13 to use it. Mihael says that Tomcat logs have a different format from Apache logs, but Eric thinks it is likely that it is easy to configure Webalizer to process Tomcat logs as well. He will investigate that further.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 14 May 2008
-- Main.EricMyers - 15 May 2008
Topic revision: r5 - 2008-05-15, EricMyers
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