Building Bluestone from Source code

Bluestone itself is a web interface to GDS and DMTROOT, so what you need to build from source code are ROOT and GDS. Here is a short & sweet summary, with details following below.

  • Check out Bluestone from CVS from Spy-Hill, thus:
              cvs -d checkout i2u2/tla
The HEAD version may or may not be unstable. It is the "development" release (or pre-release). We also have a "test" release, which is stable but may have bugs, and a "production" release, which has been tested and is the most stable. We always want at least one instance of the stable "production" version running somewhere for teachers to use with no reservations.

Building ROOT for Bluestone

  • Release notes for ROOT 5.20.00 are at
  • That page links to to download binaries and source code, and includes install instructions. Binaries are only available for RHEL (Scientific Linux CERN) so we can't make use of them and must build from source.
  • ROOT can be installed in a fixed directory, such as /opt or /usr/local, or built to use directories relative to the environmental variable ROOTSYS. To use the second (which is what we used with ROOT 4) set ROOTSYS before calling the configure script and do not set any directories explicitly via the configure script (not prefix or any of the others).

Building GDS for Bluestone

Installing Bluestone from CVS

-- Main.EricMyers - 15 Dec 2008
Topic revision: r5 - 2008-12-17, EricMyers
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