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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 23:21 (GMT)

Meeting Notes for 10 Sept Present: Bob, TomJ, Ken, Edit General * Logbook: * Bob will send a broadcast and update the newsbox about the update. *...
Meeting Notes for 5 August Present: Bob, Ken, Liz, Sudha, Edit Cosmic * Shower Study: * Changed Event Coincidence to Hit Coincidence in the Shower Anal...
NEW - 2015-08-05 - 18:29 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 13 April Present: Joel, Ken, Liz, Sudha, Marge, Mark, Tom Cosmic Ray Community CERN has been active lately in cosmic ray research and outreach,...
Meeting Notes for 20 April Present: Joel, Ken, Liz, Sudha, Marge, Mark, Dave H (background) Cosmic Community/Raspberry Pi DAQs There was some discussion of licen...
Meeting Notes for 4 May Present: Joel, Sudha, Mark, Liz Cosmic Ray * Sudha put updates to the geometry page on i2u2 dev. Liz had some feedback, but Sudha requ...
Meeting Notes for 11 May Present: Joel, Liz, Tom, Sudha, Mark, Marge CMS Tom introduced the group to Jupyter, an IPython Notebook based data science environment....
Meeting Notes for 10 August Present: Joel, Liz, Mark, Sudha, Marge LIGO Reconstructing stream files on i2u2 ligo hasn't succeeded yet. Reconstructed files are ev...
Meeting Notes for 17 August Present: Joel, Liz Drupal Should we be thinking more about the Drupal site and its upgrade? Everything seems to be working for now. ...
Meeting Notes for 24 August Present: Joel, Liz, Mark, Sudha, Marge LIGO * The new outreach coordinator (replacing Dale) should be in place by the end of Augus...
Meeting Notes for 21 September Present: Joel, Liz, Sudha, Tom, Ken, Mark CMS Tom reports improvements in the correlated histograms function have been deployed...
Meeting Notes for 7 December Present: Joel, Sudha, Ken, Mark Drupal Site We'll meet with Kevin next Wednesday, 14 Dec at 9:30 at Fermilab to discuss design ideas...
Meeting Notes for 8 March Present: Liz, Ken, Sudha, Joel, Mark, Tom Drupal * Kevin couldn't join the telecon today, but he'll contact Joel with updates by the...
Meeting Notes for 29 March Present: Sudha, Mark, Marge, Ken, Liz, Joel Drupal * Kevin couldn't join but will provide updates later in the week. * Sudha has...
Meeting Notes for 31 May Present: Liz, Mark, Kevin, Marge, Tom, Joel, Ken Drupal * Kevin will put together a summary of the implications on timing, re syncing...
Meeting Notes for 8 November Present: Sudha, Joel, Ken, Shane, Mark, Liz * Sudha shows an example of something about images hardcoded into the pa...
Meeting Notes for 15 November Present: Sudha, Joel, Ken, Shane, Mark, Liz, Marge * Kevin emailed the group that he will be in contact with Marge ...
Meeting Notes for 21 February Present: Senem, Joel, Tom, Mark, Shane, Ken, Marge, Adam CMS Tom has prepared new H 4l files, but want to check tha...
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 18
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