Changed Event Coincidence to Hit Coincidence in the Shower Analysis. Bob will write a definition for Hit.
Multiplicity: show as an advanced option. Bob will also write a definition for that.
Change header to start with the number of events: i.e: 347 Shower Study candidates.
Paging through results: do research to see if we can identify in which page the event that has been plotted is and tell user.
Event Candidates could cause an Out Of Memory Error when the list of resulting events is large. Do research to see if we can tell the user to limit input based on user's selection of files (?).
Remove the input boxes from the geometry tab. Edit will fix the code and add the copy to svn.
Sudha will test EQUIP running on the Raspberry Pi.
Time Of Flight:
Ask Mark what the label for the x axis should be.
Edit will test the data in the background for the refitting.
Edit will check if Senem is available.
Ken's proposal is to remove the button to "create an account" from the user's interface. New members will be invited.
Server Problems:
Edit sent questions and tomcat log chunk to Mihael for feedback. Edit will contact Mihael again next week.
User login limit:
Limit users to 5 logins and guest user to 10 logins.
Edit will modify the resulting page if the username guest has reached the login count threshold.