Backlinks to Git in all Webs (Search ELabs Web only)

Results from ELabs web retrieved at 06:23 (GMT)

Accessing the servers at ND/CRC QuarkNet's primary servers are hosted at Notre Dame's Center for Research Computing (CRC). The CRC is a specialized division of No...
Obtaining access to the new ELabs servers at ND The new i2u2 servers are hosted at Notre Dame's Center for Research Computing (CRC). To obtain a login to them, yo...
Raw data The files without an extension, i.e. 6333/6333.2012.1226.2 are raw data files directly uploaded from the detector. The first element of the filename is ...
Drupal Commons 2 to Drupal 7 Conversion Meeting 12/05/16 Present: Marge, Liz, Sudha, Kevin Munday, Joel, Ken 1 We shall switch from Drupal Commons 2, which is...
Moving to Git This page describes how I (Joel) initially set up the e Labs repository in Git. Ideally, nothing here should have to be repeated. For documentatio...
ELabs Development Systems The VMs {name} purpose i2u2 prod Server for e Labs site i2u2 dev Development prior to deplo...
LIGO Data Overview This describes what the LIGO data flow looks like from QuarkNet's end. This documentation is current as of December 2016, and it supersedes any...
LIGO Storage Requirements LIGO data are stored in "frame" files, with names like H M 864565200 3600.gwf, in a directory hierarchy of the form /data/ligo/frames/t...
Main.SudhaBalakrishnan 2015 06 24 * The 3 Trees of git.
NEW - 2015-06-24 - 21:12 by sbalakri
Local Build Setup Basic Requirements You need subversion or git svn to work with the code. You need ant to build it. If your development system is on Linux, use ...
r2 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
Local Setup If you're setting up a local copy of the website for the first time, you're possibly new to QuarkNet. Check out the New Members Guide if you haven't a...
Meeting Notes for 7 Apr 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Liz, TomJ, TomL, Mihael Absent: Marge Common * The boot HD on data3 is failing; ANL MCS is looking to see i...
r46 - 2010-04-20 - 21:42 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 23 Oct Present: Liz, Ken, Bob, TomJ, Edit Cosmic * Threshold Times We discussed the following steps: * Upload creating the threshold...
NEW - 2013-10-23 - 21:04 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 18 November Present: Joel, Edit, Liz, Bob, Mark, Sudha, Ken Cosmic * Duplicated files: Edit has rolled out code to fix. Some discussion of t...
NEW - 2015-11-19 - 17:05 by jgriffith
Meeting Notes for 27 July Present: Joel, Liz, Edit, Sudha, Marge Special appearance by Edit today, who's graciously agreed to help us figure out a few things abou...
Meeting Notes for 24 August Present: Joel, Liz, Mark, Sudha, Marge LIGO * The new outreach coordinator (replacing Dale) should be in place by the end of Augus...
Meeting Notes for 27 September Present: Sudha, Senem, Kevin, Tom, Joel Drupal * The lack of HTTPS support for the old URL ( is causing enoug...
Meeting Notes for 4 October Present: Sudha, Senem, Mark, Tom, Joel, Adam, Shane, Ken Drupal * Senem has arranged so that Sudha can deploy directly to producti...
Meeting Notes for 4 October Present: Sudha, Senem, Mark, Tom, Joel, Adam, Shane, Ken Drupal * The issue with Annual Report uploads seems to be that Word docum...
Installing RSA Keys for Developers If the client device doesn't already have a .ssh/ directory in the user's home folder, create it and give it the permissions SS...
Troubleshooting Cookbook Tomcat restart on www18: sudo service tomcat6 restart Tomcat restart on www13: sudo /etc/init.d/i2u2tomcat restart We're still running on...
r2 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
Apache Subversion (SVN) Subversion (SVN) is a powerful, centralized version control system that stores source code and allows changes to it to be tracked over tim...
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Web Server Configuration (this page is still incomplete, but better than nothing) We are using Apache's httpd web server, version 2.210, on all of our servers. I...
r6 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
Number of topics: 24

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