Git is a modern distributed version control system. Like SVN, it permits version control - but also much, much more. It permits disconnected operation and branching becomes much easier. While ELabs uses SVN for centralized version control, developers can use Git locally.
Setting things up
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 22 Jan 2010
Moving code from local_test to 4.0-ND-prod:
1. On local_test branch:
- $git svn fetch
- $git add filename
- $git commit -m "Descriptive Message"
- $git stash (temporarily stores other changes)
- $git svn dcommit (moves up to test)
2. On local4.0-ND-dev branch:
- First, switch to local4.0-ND-dev branch: $git checkout local4.0-ND-dev
- $git checkout test filename filename ...
- $git commit -m "Descriptive Message"
- $git svn dcommit (moves up to 4.0-ND-dev)
- Go back to local_test branch: $git checkout local_test
- Apply the stashed changes from step 1: $git stash apply
3. Deploy to i2u2-dev server from SVN branch 4.0-ND-dev:
4. On local4.0-ND-prod branch:
- You should be on local_test branch now. Stash your changes: $git stash
- Switch to local4.0-ND-prod branch: $git checkout local4.0-ND-prod
- $git checkout test filename filename ...
- $git commit -m "Descriptive Message"
- $git svn dcommit (moves up to 4.0-ND-prod)
- Go back to local_test branch: $git checkout local_test
- Apply the stashed changes from step 1: $git stash apply
5. Deploy to i2u2-prod server from SVN branch 4.0-ND-prod in the middle of the night Friday or Saturday (send e-mail message to during the day):
Delete, create local branch:
Suppose you want to delete and recreate local_test (based on test):
1. Get on another local branch, perhaps local4.0-ND-dev.
2. Delete: $git branch -d local_test
3. To create local_test and move to it:
- $git checkout -b local_test test
4. Alternatively, execute following 2 steps to create local_test branch and move to it:
- $git branch local_test test (create local_test)
- $git checkout local_test (move to local-test)