Meeting Notes for 18 May

Present: Joel, Liz, Sudha, Mark

Cosmic Ray

  • Mark reports some feedback through the Help Desk about the Time-of-Flight feature
  • Sudha and Liz are working on fixing the Newsbox placement
  • Something strange happened related to the Cosmic Ray Workshop (weekend of 14 May). Most of the pop-up links on the Time-of-Flight tutorial broke Saturday morning, but were fixed by Saturday afternoon. On Monday morning (16 May), Joel got the Help Desk Request from Cherie B that had been submitted at noon Saturday and found that these files were missing from i2u2-prod (they were present on i2u2-dev). He replaced them. It seems like the files disappeared by Saturday morning, reappeared Saturday afternoon, and disappeared again by Monday morning. Everything seems fine now, but the incident is noted here in case it happens again.
-- Main.JoelG - 2016-05-25


Topic revision: r1 - 2016-05-25, JoelG
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