Meeting Notes for 2 December

Present: Joel, Tom, Liz, Bob, Mark, Sudha, Ken

Mailing lists

  • Mailing lists maintained at Argonne ( are used for the Help Desk and for sysadmins, plus a couple of unused ones. Not too early to start thinking about how to transfer them away from ANL.
  • When we switch, it'll be important to maintain continuity with the current Help Desk on the user-interface side, and we want it to stop emailing people their plaintext passwords all the time.
  • The CRC doesn't do listservs because Google replicates the functionality. We can either work within that restriction, or see if Fermi could host it.

Server transfer

Progress slowed since last week, since there's less to do and Edit is away.
  • rsync of data between data4 and i2u2-data and configuring cron jobs on i2u2-data ought to be near completion, but no official word from Edit. Once done, i2u2-dev will be ready for comprehensive testing. Once testing is complete, will be ready to clone it into i2u2-prod.
  • Once i2u2-prod is ready, we'll just need the domain to point to it in order to have a live website. Mike Wilde is traveling, and has not been able to complete the domain transfer.
  • Drupal site (i2u2-quarknet) is the next transfer. Joel will contact Senem to find out how to start this.


  • Mark and Sudha are working on the step-by-step guides, including questions for teachers
  • Testing the tutorial with half a million events seems to kill it. Joel or Edit will look into why this limitation happens


The freezing problem with old laptops running EQUIP may be related to a high data rate. Bob will contact Samantha about the OS upgrade problems.


  • Tom has an event display for the Master Classes ready to go. He needs a CRC account to put it on the VM, though.
  • Ken would like the website wrapped up and tested before Christmas break in order to prepare the 2016 Masterclasses. Will consider placing the e-Lab interface that has been altered specifically for Masterclasses under a separate directory on the website, such as or


Ken would like to replicate the webform found at on the new ND setup, either as a Google Form that doesn't look like a Google Form, or through the Drupal site. Joel will investigate creating webforms in Drupal.


Joel was able to roll out Sudha's geometry updates to www13 with no apparent hitches.

-- Main.jgriffith - 2015-12-02
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-12-02, jgriffith
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