Meeting Notes for 13 Mar

Present: TomJ, Liz, Bob, Ken, Marge, Edit


  • Stress test for www18:
    • We scheduled a stress test for Friday 15 at 2pm.
  • Follow up with Argonne and vendor about new server.


  • CMS plots in the logbook:
    • Waiting on answer from Phong. Resend email checking.


  • Data blessing - 3 different elements to work on:
    • Some data will never be blessed (old). We need a plan for this. Move it somewhere? Keep it? Get rid of it?
    • Older data data that can be blessed. How can we get this data blessed? Where is the cut off? Should the data be automatically blessed? Need to come up with a procedure/methodology.
    • Golden file. How fast do we move forward with this? Be able to implement it before the fall for the fellows to review it? Create list of gatekeeper issues/bugs and send it to everyone.
  • Geometry issues: Code update was scheduled for 13th March in the evening. We will all review data in order to double check future updates to the database.
- Main.EditPeronja - 2013-03-20
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-03-20, eperonja
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