Meeting Notes for 22 October 2008
Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom L.,Tom J. Bob
We tried using the EVO as a group. We hit some snags. Liz will install it on her MacBook Pro that has the microphone and camera. Her G5 does not have a microphone and she was unable to use an external microphone. We may want to try some other products because the audio wasn't that great.
Mihael's Vacation
We discussed how to cover for Mihael while he was in Romania, but it turned out he was going to work much of the time he was there so it was not an issue.
IT Job
Mike and Mihael planned to do phone interviews Wednesday evening. We hoped to set up interviews at Fermilab for the top candidates. Mihael discouraged us from bothering to promote the IT job at SC2008.
SC2008 to Recruit Teachers
Tom L. pointed out that Marge discouraged him from having an e-Lab display in the SC Education booth.
Action Item: Tom L. will follow up with Marge and Jean about finding testers at SC2008.
Action Item: Liz will clarify if we can use Cosmic teachers to test LIGO.
More Documentation of Wiki
Liz has added the Making an e-Lab Workflow to the wiki. Eric edited it.
Eric also added Project Evaluation on the CI Wiki
Liz suggested that she could add the document on Talk Aloud Protocol.
Eric pointed out that people can establish an RSS connection to the CI Wiki so they know when new content has been added.
System Work at Argonne
We spent a long time discussing what to do about getting the systems people to be more responsive. Mihael suggested that maybe we should investigate working with a private company instead. With the same amount of money, we could actually get a company to provide these services. We might not need a mirror or we could consider having a mirror on another hosting service. We should look at how much it costs. What would we have to do? How much downtime would we have? Mihael thinks we should be o.k. with a single hosting company. We have to decide what is acceptable. Liz pointed out that we have hardware at Argonne.
Perhaps we should be using the Helpdesk to move this along. Mihael said that there was an open helpdesk ticket for each machine. We need to document what has happened.
How can we get the level of service we think we deserve? We cannot get accurate assessment of how much time it will take. We need to spend more time thinking about this.
Action Item: Liz will ask Marge whether we could hire a private company.
Action Item: Perhaps Mihael could ask to meet with Craig. He could note that the collaborators are eager to get this done and bring it up at each weekly meeting.
-- Main.LizQuigg - 28 Oct 2008