Present: Tibi, Liz, Mike , Mike Jr.


Tibi is still working on this; the www10 version is obsolete for www13. He is working with Ben on it.


Kris W. (Amelia) and Tom L. (for Star) have received their accounts and we will get them started with Dreamweaver.

News Box

Went into the rollout last Friday and is functioning.

Routing of users from

Currently take you to a Tomcat page. We need to build pages that route the user to i2u2 and eLab information for both teachers and students. It should be clear and intuitive. Some of this can include content on the current pages. Liz will make a proposal. Once this is in place, it will need to go into CVS and be included in the script to rollout.


Tibi is waiting for more test from Bob P. He could do some others, but these are the most important.


Put higher priority on the load-balancing tesing so we can put that into production.

Do we have the rollouts ready for load-balancing? Satisfactory to deploy onto n machines?

Do we have a good algorithm: round-robin or random. Mike W prefers round-robin. Tibi will look into it.

Is kickstart in place; do we have good statistics on how load-balancing is going.

e-Lab code Upgrade

Mihael is working on the analysis code. The worst case scenario is leaving it as much as possible as it is. Abstracting the implementation of it. With more time, he sees a better solution. He is working on Jsp tags to use instead of the normal input controls to automatically provide forms for you. You don?t have to use it so the CMS code will still work. The design should include the annotation of variables.(LQ)

Action Items:

Tibi will work on load-balancing. We should take www11 out of load-balancing for any tests we do so we don?t interfere with the production server.

Bob will develop tests for jmeter.

Tibi will fix VDC for www13.

Liz will propose content for the and

Tibi will update the Wiki to show the use of each machine. (www10, ..., www17)

Mike will communicate with the systems people to see what we need to do to get all the machines and hardware working.

Track down annotations for the variables for the transformations from old VDCs. (Mihael?)

If Tom J. does not get Mike a tarball of analysis code, Mike will start looking at the code in CVS.

Mike, Tibi and Mike Jr. will discuss Bill Lopes' Star analysis code and figure out who should work on it.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 11 Apr 2007
Topic revision: r5 - 2007-04-11, LizQuigg
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