Cosmic Rays e-Lab


Cosmic Ray hardware and DAQ

Cosmic Ray data

Several data formats and file types are used in the Cosmic Ray e-Lab.

Cosmic ray data is stored on i2u2-data in /disks/i2u2/cosmic/data. In addition to an assortment of .raw.meta and .raw.gz files, this directory contains subdirectories for each DAQ. These directories store data for that DAQ in sets of up to three files of the form
-rw-r--r-- 1 quarkcat 51  468 Nov 28  2014 6333.2012.1225.2.bless
-rw-r--r-- 1 quarkcat 51 3.7M Jun 13  2015 6333.2012.1225.2.thresh
-rw-r--r-- 1 quarkcat 51 3.0M Jul 25  2013 6333.2012.1226.2
(a .bless file will exist only if the data has been blessed) plus one .geo geometry file for that DAQ.

Discussion and Documentation


Atmospheric pressure correction

Cosmic Ray flux varies with atmospheric pressure. If we can correlate trigger rates with ambient pressure, we can normalize for the effect to search for seasonal variations in flux over long time scales and over large areas.

This is a working section for this project, started in Mar2017.

Eclipse 2017

-- Main.EricMyers - 10 Nov 2008
Topic revision: r13 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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