Meeting Notes for Next Telecon

Agenda for Sep 18, 2024

  • Current page on i2u2-quarknet
  • Drupal issues:
    • [ Done ] Add first and last names to search keys
    • DAQ issue in user profiles
    • Kathy raised errors with student story, we're looking for PDF editing software to fix
    • Uploading docs in embedded links
    • [ XM working on it ] Manual resizing of uploaded photos?
    • In Masterclass Library pages, the banner is across the entire page but most of the content is less than half that width. Is there a way to adjust this? (Example:
      • Also, some parts of the page which we included in D7 are missing in D10.
    • In some places, not all of the content is available in WYSIWYG edit mode; it is seen when showing the html markup, however. (Example:


  • e-Labs issues tracking page (Google Doc)
  • Cleaning the code base, finding development content that never got moved to production
  • Preparing VM migration from Ubuntu 20.04 to 24.04



  • IMC circulars begin Oct 10 (pre-circular Sep 6)
  • W2D2 Nov 14


  • IMC circulars begin Oct 10 (pre-circular Sep 6)


  • Notre Dame QuarkNet Center meeting weekly on Monday to improve web presence.
  • Planning ongoing to revise masterclass websites, especially CMS and neutrino.


Ken & Co. returning retired hardware to FNAL presently

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
CMS-slide-apr2018.pptxpptx CMS-slide-apr2018.pptx manage 278 K 2018-04-18 - 14:54 Main.KenC present at IPPOG
Screen_Shot_2018-03-13_at_4.09.53_PM.pngpng Screen_Shot_2018-03-13_at_4.09.53_PM.png manage 847 K 2018-03-14 - 15:03 Main.JoelG H>4l screenshot
This topic: ELabs > WebHome > TeleconAgenda
Topic revision: 2024-09-18, JoelG
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