Meeting Notes for 26 October

Present: Liz, Joel, Mark, Sudha, Ken


Ken has some ideas for further improvements regarding 4-lepton events including
  • new UI options when when a Higgs is suspected
  • multiple plots
Mark points out that there's lots of potential to be gained from adding scatter plots. It might be too much for a Masterclass, but Ken agrees there's opportunity for great separate activities.


Earlier in the week, Sudha ran into a problem where a poster linked to a file that existed but had no Virtual Data Catalog metadata, so it was unfetchable by the e-Lab. Sudha fixed the problem by linking to a different, equivalent file, but Liz points out that in the future we can fix this problem by pulling the file from the server and re-uploading it, which will generate VDC metadata.

-- Main.JoelG - 2016-11-09


Topic revision: r1 - 2016-11-09, JoelG
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