Meeting Notes for 6 July
Present: Joel, Liz, Mark, Ken
- Ken thinks Sudha has everything she needs to update the e-Lab text. Does that include new milestones, though? Those are less critical than the general expository text.
- We need to make sure the new plot-saving method is compatible with the old one. The new method saves a set of metadata that allows the graph to be recreated or edited on the fly. The old method created a static .png.
Marge and Liz have suggested hiring an independent contractor. The most pressing tasks we can think of are
- fixing bugs
- working out kinks in the local development environment
- fixing LIGO
- updates and improvements to CIMA and the Cosmic Ray e-Lab
We should also develop a more formal project management methodology, perhaps involving a Gantt chart. We used to have one.
-- Main.JoelG - 2016-07-13