Meeting Notes for 10 Dec

Present: Bob, TomJ, Liz, Ken, Edit


  • Blessing:
    • We described and discussed a new problem that we found with the recreation of the blessfiles:
      • The existing meta has splits with multiple same root giving at least two files with the same date and different indices.
      • We are not working with the files that are in these meta files that do not show this condition. These could potentially be valid files and we are running analyses on them to determine whether they are OK replacements.
    • Bob is working with the tests for:
      • Combo 1: 633 files (done)
      • Combo 2: 116 files (in progress)
      • Combo 3: 20 files (in progress)
      • Once this is done, the files will be moved to production.
    • Tom will be working with the blessfiles that failed the comparison to the old blessfiles and determine what we do about them.
    • Edit will write a summary of all decisions about the process of replacing the blessfiles so we have documentation of what was done.
    • Tom, Bob and Edit will be discussing bugs 641 and 643 to revamp the blessing plots UI.
    • Tom will work with changes for the flux study and its user interface.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2014-12-11
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-12-11, eperonja
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