Meeting Notes for 26 Mar

Present: Bob, Liz, TomJ, Edit

Problems during Edit's Vacation

  • Edit will write a list of items that need to be checked and what to do when certain problems happen. We will all work with having a plan B.


  • Reconverted the data and turned the data on for schools to be able to work.
  • Need to watch the servers until we find out what is causing the problems with these huge files that take over.


  • Requests:
    • Query the database for blessed files after the benchmark rollout. Need to check if all blessed files have been correctly blessed by the routine.
    • Modification to bless process: add a check for channel mismatch. If split and benchmark have different channels turned on, then the split should not be blessed and there should be an appropriate fail message.
    • Need to improve the report about splits and their blessed status. Need to convert the file link into a pop up to be able to see blessing charts for both the split file and the benchmark reference.
    • Add DAQ# to the upload-results.jsp page.
  • .thresh files: the only two files that have not been created were Kevin Martz'. Not sure yet why the processed got stopped between tasks. Investigating.


  • Check with Kevin/Senem how to get access to the repository.

Elab Stats

  • Bob came up with an idea of how he would like to see totals by teacher (plots, login, etc.). Edit will work with the query.

Sys Admin Stuff

  • Cron job: Edit will include how to fix/edit these in the list for emergency situations.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2014-03-27
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-03-27, eperonja
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