Liz's feedback: Edit is working on this and will update code soon.
New requests ready to be rolled out to production this coming weekend:
Admin tool to delete all guest user data.
Admin tool to set teachers and their research/groups active/inactive.
e-Lab account discussion (multiple teacher roles in the research group table)
We will decide how this should work first and then make sure the code follows.
Threshold Times:
Tom requested we create the static file with more columns including integer values. Tom will provide an example of how the outcome file should be.
Tom will test analyses on 13 to compare results using dynamic vs static files.
Edit will modify the java code to set the default cpld frequency (when there is no cpld frequency in the metadata) by checking if the detector ids as follows:
if detector id < 6000 then the cpld frequency should be 41666667
if detector id >= 6000 then the cpld frequency should be 25000000