Meeting Notes for 20 Nov

Present: Liz, Bob, TomJ, Edit

All e-Labs

  • Allow users to reset password:
    • Need feedback to roll out.
  • Poster Tags:
    • List of Cosmic Poster Tags added to production. We need to decide how we want the teacher to tag his/her groups' posters.
  • Notifications:
    • Edit will send an update on the admin user.
  • Posters:
    • Modified code to work with special characters. Need more testing and feedback before moving update to production.


  • Threshold Times:
    • Edit will clean up the routine to start creating all the .thresh files for already split files.
  • Benchmark - We discussed:
    • Get list of files for autoblessing.
    • Need to work on documentation/tutorials.
    • Write a script to retrieve all the files that do not have a .bless file asssociated with it and find the source file. We might be able to create the .bless for them.
    • Need to modify the data search so it does the following:
      • Default retrieval: owner's all data + others' blessed data.
      • Advanced: allow to retrieve all data.


  • Code integration: Ken will have a look at it.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2013-11-21
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-11-21, eperonja
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