Meeting Notes for 12 June

Present: Marge, Liz, Ken, Edit


  • Drupal:
    • We need a tool to identify if the users have completed/updated their profiles annually.
    • When the users fill out their profile, they would 'check' a 'user approval' checkbox before saving.
    • This flag will be reset June 1st of every year to false and an email will be sent to the users to complete/update their profile.

    • This flag will be displayed with the members, list of users, etc. so admins can easily identify which users have their profile up to date.


  • Bugzilla bug 63:
    • Ken and Liz provided feedback. Edit will make the changes smile
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2013-06-12
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-06-12, eperonja
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