Meeting Notes for 6 Mar

Present: TomJ, Liz, Bob, Edit


  • Stress test for www18:
    • Tom and Mihael working to fix for the code for the estimator.
    • We will schedule tests for end of next week.
    • Follow Phong's suggestions if the system goes down (?).
  • Rollout in www18 and updates to the cluster:
    • We need to log in to the nodes and run 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade'
    • Phong will write a set of instructions on how to do that.
  • SSL certificates for production site.
    • Instructions sent by Phong:
      • You can get free certificates via StartSSL
      • Scripts to run:
        • 1. cp ~quarkcat/sw/www-apache/ssl/startssl/ ~quarkcat/sw/www-apache/ssl/startssl/
        • 2. cp ~pnguyen/ ~quarkcat/sw/www-apache/ssl/startssl/
        • 3. chown root:root ~quarkcat/sw/www-apache/ssl/startssl/
        • 4. chmod 644 ~quarkcat/sw/www-apache/ssl/startssl/
        • 5. service apache2 restart


  • CMS plots in the logbook:
    • Waiting on answer from Phong. Resent email checking.


  • Geometry issues:
    • Discussed bugs in the code. Will rollout changes in www13 and test.
    • After that, we need to work with updating the data.
    • A related issue is whether we should allow studies to run when the cable length is NULL or 0.


  • Request list from Dale:
    • Answered email to Dale with estimate 2-3 weeks to get started with this list. Mentioned autosave feature for posters.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2013-03-06
Topic revision: r2 - 2013-03-20, eperonja
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