Meeting Notes for 7 December 2011

Present: Phong, TomL, Bob, Liz, TomJ
Absent: TomM, Marge, KenC

Action Items

  • Set up a TC for CMS calibration (TomM/Phong/Mihael?/TomL)


  • Whee blessing in progress
  • Shower fix being tested in production
  • APS meeting on 100 years of Cosmic Rays in April 2012
  • Coordinated data taking - tie into 100 years?


  • Muon TT/GG/TG data being pushed into the eLab - hope to have by this Friday in the system as a prototype
  • Annoying MySQL bugs cropped up, still need to move stuff over to Postgres
  • Calibration?
    • Rip off the band-aid and do things right.


  • Mihael will try and fix some bugs during his break (including some data import issues)

-- Main.PhongNguyen - 07 Dec 2011
Topic revision: r17 - 2011-12-07, PhongNguyen
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