Meeting Notes for 29 Sep 2010

Present:Liz, Bob, TomL
Absent: Marge, Phong, TomJ


There were server problems on www13. Many pages seemed to be missing. Liz tried to redeploy, but it hit an error indicating that a file was not present. UChicago is having network problems so she is going to wait until these are resolved before trying again. Later in the day, Mihael came to the rescue. He edited the build.xml which ignores .svn directories (He believes Eric wanted those). Because he was running the deployment, he had an additional problem with the permissions on some of the files Liz copied over. The permissions needed to be g+w. Liz never noticed this when deploying because she was the owner.

CMS Help

We spent the remaining time discussing how we could use the help of one of the iSpy developers. Liz wrote that up separately and sent it on to Marge.


Tom Loughran has worked on improving the milestone references for "interpret data" and "Momentum, energy ...". Marge will look at these after she finishes some other work.


Dale reported in an email the following status:

I'll be in three different venues between tomorrow and 10/8 promoting the e-Lab. In my demo I'll take the audience to it on www18 but then switch to the version on 12, reminding them that in the near future they will only need to use www18. Once the updated version is moved to www18, I'll write a newsletter to all of our teachers with pointers to the changes.

Issues to be resolved prior to the roll-out are vertical axis units on the plots that are visible in IE and this issue of the break in the data between 1/2010 and 7/2010. I'm in touch with Phong about these. I've also noted to him some apparent strangeness in at least some of our data channels since 7/2010 that LIGO will try to diagnose (the data here at the lab looks fine -- something might be going haywire as the data enters i2u2-land). I'm not in favor of holding up the roll-out until this gets resolved. It might take too long. And the issue of the data won't change the features of the interface.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 29 Sep 2010

This topic: ELabs > FGCSSPCFPFGCS2013SI > MeetingMinutes > MeetingNotes20100929
Topic revision: 2010-09-30, LizQuigg
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