Meeting Notes for 28 May

Present: Tom J, Tom L, Eric, Mihael, Liz, Bob
Absent: Dan, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao

LBNL trip

Tom L reported on his trip. The Atlas and CMS have complementary approaches. CMS involves statistical analysis of many events while Amelia involves event by event analysis. Both approaches are useful. We discussed the relative merits of keeping them separate, or of merging efforts, and how we might balance a bit of both. Others mentioned that there might be political issues to consider here.

As far as moving the Amelia functionality to a web-based e-Lab, only some of the functions can be in a browser-accessible format. Perhaps the QT java functionality will allow 3D? Eric said he thought there was a library for PHP which allowed code developed for a web interface to be made into a stand-alone application which could be run from the desktop. It turns out the library is for GTK, not QT. Also, it seems unlikely this approach would work in going from a QT-based application to the web. It would really be the other way around.

Tom sees three possibilities:
  • Full implementation of Amelia usng QT java.
  • Limited Implementation - provide what is possible now with 2D and put off those parts that require work to implement.
  • Somewhere in between these two.


Dan K has made progress. It's set up already to plug in the data for either Monte Carlo or real data. He has a graphical interface that allows "visual cutting." He has a tree representation of the plots allowing clicking on a branch and then back-tracking to recreate a previous analysis. Tom L. will look into Dan giving us an update.

Google Maps

Beth Marchant sent Eric a Google map she had previously made of several QuarkNet centers and high schools associated with them.

Eric has created another placemark file with timespan information set. The placemark turns on at the time associated with the geometry. The time is the most recent geometry upload, so this behavior is incorrect, but it at least demonstrates the concept, and shows how the interface works when you load it into Google Earth. When used with Google Maps the placemarks are all just shown as normal. TomJ will alter his script to extract all the geometry uploads, not just the most recent one, and then Eric's script will use that to make a placemark file where the detector positions change with time.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 04 Jun 2008
-- Main.EricMyers - 04 Jun 2008
Topic revision: r4 - 2008-06-04, EricMyers
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