Meeting Notes for 20 February 2008

Present: Liz, Mihael, Tom L., Tom J., Bob;
Absemt: Eric, Dan K, Mike W., Randy., Kris, Joao

Helping Taiwanese

Liz received an e-mail from the Taiwanese student, Stuart, and his professor, Hsiao. They need help with their e-Lab. Liz wanted to know:

  • Who should this student visit if he comes to the U.S.?
  • Who can help him with his e-Lab?
  • Shouldn’t he be using refactored code?

Our discussion emphasized the need for documentation. Mihael pointed out that this involves a big EFFORT. We need it for new e-Labs (Amelia) and for the Taiwanese. The Taiwanese should be using the refactored code that comes from SVN. Liz has pointed out to Hsiao that Stuart needed to work with Mihael and that visiting Fermilab when Mihael was not available would not be useful to him.

Status of refactored code

We discussed developing some background information on the execution arguments for analyses. Mihael and Liz worked on these during the past week and a draft of what students might see is at ExecutionChoices.

In the future, Mihael will implement a question mark next to the Execution Controls like we have next to the other arguments for analyses. There is a difference because the execution arguments are not actual arguments for TRs so we cannot store them as annotations of arguments for TRs. Mihael has proposed overloading the elab tag where these are prescribed to include a file name with information on the argument.

We need to convert Amelia to the refactored pages but the CMS and Ligo e-Labs take priority.

ATLAS e-lab diagram.

Joao sent out a diagram of the Atlas e-Lab / Amelia. We need to discuss this more because the box labeled "grid" seems like it should be e-Lab. We need to discuss this further so that Mihael can understand the ATLAS e-Lab and advise Joao how to implement the e-Lab with the tools he has developed.

* Diagram of ATLAS e-Lab / Amelia:

CPLD frequency problem in the in Cosmic e-Lab

Tom and Mihael are working on a problem where the cpld frequency needs to be corrected in the metadata of many of the data files. Tom J. discovered this problem when working with Mark Adams.

Mihael in Europe

Mihael will communicate by e-mail and cellphone.

e-lab List in production

We need to have the e-Lab list in production to point to www18. Liz will make these changes in CVS and Mihael will put these into production.

We currently don’t have a running CMS version with the test beam data. The version we had for SC2006 that Tibi put up is no longer working. Mihael had a version on www12 based on the old code, but that is no longer working.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 27 Feb 2008

Topic revision: r9 - 2008-02-27, LizQuigg
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