Meeting Notes for 24 October 2007

SC2007 Education Program

Guest user?User accounts?

Technical, Scientific, Education – someone from all of those areas.

Expect 20 people

Nov. 13th for field trip

Fix email to become member so it includes the e-Lab they want to access.

We will recruit beta testers.

Ligo can use the forums as a helpdesk instead of putting the load on Bob.

Include link to www12 Mihael’s version. Maybe even use Mihael’s instead of production.

Mihael thinks his one machine plus the cluster at UChicago would be more responsive than the load-balancing machine. Tom L. is going to try to get his students to test this.

Refactored Code

CMS Education pages are converted to new code base.

Storage issues

New server upposed to be installed the data server this week.


Chinese Input screwing up. We don’t have localization. Forum software has localization.

Deleting Detector IDs associated with a group in Cosmic

Detector Id - can be deleted according to Mihael. It turns out that it just won’t delete the final one.

Maybe we need to warn them when they upload that there is someone else with the detector. This may need some more discussion.

Cosmic (and all e-Lab) test validation process

Marge, Jean and Tom have come up with an approach to do test development for e-Labs. We want to use this for Ligo and CMS. Use test that has already been developed. Come up with validation method and list of people to do this. Is there a question that has no learning outcome and vice versa?

Forums and wikis update.

Fellows indicated that they can access both the wiki and forums. Where should the wiki, database server for wiki and Apache server be? Waiting for response from QuarkNet Staff.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 28 Nov 2007
Topic revision: r1 - 2007-11-28, LizQuigg
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