Meeting Notes for 15 August 2007

Present: Liz, Eric, Nick, Mihael, Bob
Absent: Tom J., Tom L., Tibi, Mike W.

Wiki/Forum Issue

We discussed how we can discover whether schools can use wikis and what we can do to make our wikis more acceptable to schools. Bob has talked to some IT coordinators for school districts and Eric has investigated ways to improve acceptability by controlling access. Liz suggested that after school starts, we ask our quarknet audience to test whether they can access Eric's wiki as an emperical test. We could also look on the web to see if any formal studies of schools include information on school policies for wikis. For now we will start with having teachers work with wikis as a first step towards student use. Leftover from the discussion in July, Eric has written up the features of his Wiki/Forum. Bob still has to do the following:

Action Item: We will ask Bob whether his Fellows can write a list of their desired features.

Port 8080

Eric questioned why we were using port 8080 instead of 80 for our server. Port 8080 is sometimes blocked. Mihael pointed out that 8080 was the port Tomcat used.

Action Item: Mihael will investigate whether we can use port 80.

Since Eric is setting up an Apache server on www13, we may need port 80 for that.

Mihael’s refactored code:

Mihael reported that we still are testing an Alpha version of the refactored code on www12 port 9080. We have had five iterations of testing so far. We are not ready for others to test yet because each would probably discover the same bugs. When it is more stable, we will ask for more testers. Liz asked what it would take to do Jmeter tests on Mihael's code. There is a one time setup and we would also have to be sure the files were available for testing. The current site only has access to a few data files. For now, the site is not ready for JMeter tests.

Potential Trip for Eric

Eric has funds to make a trip to Chicago. He would like to spend time with Tibi and Mihael and a day with the Fermilab people. This would probably take place in September.

Meeting ended at 11:45 CDT.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 16 Aug 2007

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Topic revision: 2007-08-16, LizQuigg
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