Present: Liz, Mike, Tibi, Eric, Bob, Nick, Tom L and Tom J.

Eric Myers:

Still having trouble getting into Argonne machine; SSH key problem. Mike offered to help with this. He also put Eric and Nick into quarknet group.


Nick is still waiting to get hear from CI guys. MIke will look into this.

Load Balancing:

Working on www14 rollout; next 16 so we will have 14, 16; keep 11 out. Different entry points. The front door will be the same, but it will go to load-balancing version.

Bookmarking won't work. login on top right login -load balancing - is an actual machine but not Tomcat. We could put some of the static pages there. -> - all content should be load-balanced.

Action item: Liz, Tibi, and Eric sketch entry points; prototype. Mike would like to go to the and be able to go We need to have the guest login on the top. We need to be recognized by "Google".


More discussion of how to see data products are correct. Tibi thinks people creating new functionality should make Jmeter test. Eric mentioned looking at web logs.


Nick's making good progress with errors in the constants files (geo files). Not in CVS yet. Tibi suggests testing on www14 when they are ready. Tom plans to move the geo files from data area, back them up, correct them and then put them back in the data area. It does not have to wait until Friday. Google Maps - to show location of detectors. kml files. bar stacks. pictures for each site. Give a golden star to the ones who uploaded the most data.

Eric - new page on the wiki for Ligo things. We should all look at what Eric has put here and discuss it next week. Tibi looked at Eric's code and he thought it looked like it would be feasible to work with. It is not too different from CMS project. Libraries from various sources, Root. He says it is crude now, but he has a plan to make it better. Tibi is trying to see if it can be run it on the grid the way he does with the CMS. Eric uses Root 4. He is concerned that the grid machines may be using Root 5. Tibi used Root 4 for the CMS project.


Tibi will find out what is happening with getting the new hard drive going. Liz will ask Tibi to look at www10.


Tibi will find out why it is so sluggish.

Workshops List

Bob made this. June and July are very important.


Still needed for Mihael's work

Dan K.

Tibi will communicate with him about doing analysis work on i2u2 machines.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 23 May 2007
Topic revision: r4 - 2007-05-23, LizQuigg
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