Present: Liz, Mike W., Bob and Tom J.

Eric Myers:

We discussed including him on the telecon next Wednesday (May 16th) His first milestone ahoudl be to get raw shell scripts running on the ELabs machine. Libraries working.

Wiki Improvements

We spend a lot of time talking about this.

Topics to Add:

  • Getting Started for Developers:
    • Making new Accounts - attach Mike's documents with the Screen capture
    • User needs to be a member of I2u2 and quarknet (We may need to make a separate request for this).
    • SSH Keys
    • Attach Liz's document about making minimum users for new e-Labs (this could also be a topic of discussion next week)
  • Project Planning - major items - here are the milestones we want to hit between now and the end of the bridge
  • Someone should take a half-day to Cleanup of top pages of Wiki. (Liz)
  • Add a page that is a better index.
  • One main page for operations pages. (password protected) (Tibi and Mihael)
  • Cleanup involves replacing Current Status with three topics
    • Current Server Status owner, purpose, production- (available for load-balancing) (if development- who's doing it.)
    • Project Status
    • ?

We need to check whether critical pages are password protected on the Wiki. For example the RemotePowerControl page has this: RemotePowerControl has the permissions set. Look at that as model.

Mihael's Project

Even though Mihael was not part of the telecon, Mike discussed Mihael's goals and possible milestones. We will put them here for Mihael to respond to. Mike: We need Milestone list for Mihael's project and to frame a set of goals for Mihael to react to:


  • Make new e-Labs easily and without much knowledge of the details.
  • Make it easier to manage look and feel through CSS
  • Get reliable Grid execution in place ( Get us on the Grid )
  • Clean up the database at the same time.
  • Get rid of the reliance on the RLS.

Building a set of java classes that clean up and encapsulate all the machinery for managing data and executing analyses. Abstract these so that it is easy to change the implementation underneath without changing the jsp.

Possible Milestones:

  • Documentation for his e-lab library tag
  • Development Version on
  • Complete Java Interface
  • Unplug VDS and add SWIFT
  • Implement Job control for long running jobs
  • Clean up the way the database gets used.
  • We need to understand what user database improvements we need. Look at Paul's schema. Circle parts that are critical.

More Items To Do:

  • Get Cosmic running on the new code. (Nick Dettman will convert Flux, Lifetime and Shower to use new jsp tags for analysis using Performance as a model. He will use SVN for his jsp pages.)
  • Use the Jmeter test suites with Mihael's implemention to discover if we need new test suites, especially with the issue of the how test suites work for grid execution. (e.g., Progress bar that the test suite polls.)
  • Convert the CMS e-Lab to the new class interface
  • Create a SWIFT version of the new class interface
  • Get a local grid server into the cluster.
  • Get OSG grid site into I2U2.


We discussed above the issue of whether the same tests that Bob and Tibi are working on will work with Mihael's code


Load-balancing work can startup again now that the hardware (16 and 17) is fixed. The other roadblocks are gone: Deployment had to work: Test suite has to work. (good progress)

Analysis Code

Tom Jordan now understands that he has restart the server to be able to test changes to Java beans. He is going to work on the issue of converting the input of cable length to time and fixing the geometry files to be consistent.


Mike Jr. did a rollout last Friday; he probably won't do one this week because he is in transit. Our policy should be to rollout onto 15 followed by detail testing by anyone who has made changes and the jMeter tests. Then rollout onto 11.

Dead Machines

16 and 17 back up.

Liz's Concern about populating the user database for new e-Labs

Liz wrote a short document for this which is the concrete example of how she would do this for Star. It is attached.

Tibi's Template

Tibi was not here to talk about the work he is doing to create template files for analysis. We should learn more about this next week.

Action Items:

  • Communicate with Eric Myers about the telecon Wednesday.

  • Add content to the Wiki

  • One main page for operations pages. (password protected) (Tibi and Mihael)

  • One main page for e-Lab development (Liz)

  • Cleanup Wiki (Liz?)

  • Update list of servers (Liz and then everyone checking it is correct.)

  • Get load-balancing working (Tibi)

-- Main.LizQuigg - 10 May 2007

* mihael_i2u2_design.txt: Early design document Mihael wrote to describe his goals.

* getting_started_elab_users.doc: Notes on new users when developing new e-Lab.
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
getting_started_elab_users.docdoc getting_started_elab_users.doc manage 360 K 2007-05-10 - 16:52 Main.UnknownUser Example of the steps neeeded to add users to get a new e-Lab developed
mihael_i2u2_design.txttxt mihael_i2u2_design.txt manage 6 K 2007-05-10 - 16:53 Main.UnknownUser Early design document Mihael wrote to describe his goals.
Topic revision: r15 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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