Present: Tibi, Liz, Mike Jr., Bob and Tom J. (Mike at end)

VDC for www13

Tibi made new VDC that isempty ? should we bring in the VDC from production or should we start from scratch? Can we establish an area for data files and plots and posters that are totally separate? Tibi discovered you can set up a separate area so he is setting up www13 to use a copy of the VDC and pointing users area to the new area he has made. /export/d3/quarknet-data/users-dev We will be adding files on www13 to a copy of the VDC. However because we are changing the user area and presumeably where the data is stored, the searches will give us files which we cannot actually access. We will only be able to access the new files we put in. He is also looking in the Replica Catalog.


Kris W. and Tom L. are working on www13 using Dreamweaver.

Routing of users from

Liz showed some new pages for that will provide background on the project.

Jmeter and Load-balancing

Load balancing no longer uses www11. Currently it has 14 and 15, but 15 is broken. We are exploring how can we test the difference between plot results. The CVS should contain the correct file. We could store the param file that makes the plot and compare that one with the one we get from Jmeter. Mihael is looking at comparing image files as well.

RHIC/Star analysis

How to convert Bill Lopes? code to a transactional. Mike says he has isolated the code we need. Tibi is going to look at the code. Wrap it in SWIFT. We first have to take the interactive mechanism out.

Dead Machines

Mike is going to urge systems to get the computers fixed (especially 17 which is needed for rollout testing). www17 hard drive died.

Action Items:

For Tibi, Bob and Mihael: going to put a two week deadline to: May 2nd to get some jmeter tests running with best load-balancing scheme and explore how to test that they are working.

Mike W. - communicate with systems about hardware problems.

Mike W. - will look at data1 old VDCs for the annotation of variables for transformations.

Tom J. - will make a tarball for Mike in the next day or so.

Liz - proceed with higher level pages for i2u2

-- Main.LizQuigg - 19 Apr 2007
Topic revision: r5 - 2007-04-25, LizQuigg
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