Steps for adding changes to e-Lab

* Developer makes change to code ? spelling or code

* Developer tests thoroughly on a development machine.

* Developer commits changes to head of CVS

* Every Friday: * Mihael or assigned person will snapshop this head with a tag. ( convention 4.1) Look this up.

* Mihael or assigned person will deployment to www16 with everything from the head

* Mihael or assigned person will do a battery of tests to be sure everything works on www16 ( we will need to document any * bad release numbers on the wiki) )

* If it succeeds, he will deploy to release to 11 with everything from the

We discussed that making a special exception for Marge would set a precedent. Mike W. will talk to Marge and explain the policy. (deploying every week if the changes work)

Every Friday if no changes. (Mihael).

Mihael and Ben will document the procedures.

We should have a record of the date of last deployment: Version of CVS. (on some random page on the server so that one can always check what page it is on.).


* Tibi will work on getting the tests running under Jmeter.

* Bob read and we discussed his proposal for performance of the servers Out of service 6 AM to 7 AM Central Time Quarknet grid list can be used for sending out machines. Need to be able to communicate with users.

Mike reiterated last week's suggestions: Kickstart data to understand problems with perl code taking CPU (wire delay) Running all jobs at Nice Add Bob's list to the minutes (Attach)


Backups are nightly (data to data0) and data0 to data1

New e-Labs

Liz will start deploying Ligo, Star, Amelia on www12

Tom L. reported that Star will have a Star "lite" Bill Lope has to communicate with someone like Tibi to discuss how to add a ROOT-based app to an e-Lab. Guideline on how to write your Root code A Canonical example of how to put it into an e-Lab. Tibi will work on this. Shell script ? how to handle data and pass parameters to Root.

By June Bill will complete the desktop version. Toward the end of the summer, he may e able to work on webifying it.

Tom L. will set up a telecon with Tom L. , Tibi, Mike and Bill Lope.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 21 Mar 2007 * performance_bob.doc: Bob Peterson' strawman for performance criteria
Topic revision: r11 - 2007-03-28, LizQuigg
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