Topics - CVS commits and testing changes (TJ's 12 March e-mail followed by Mihael's comments) - Server performance (Bob's 13 March e-mail) & load-balancing (Liz?s 13th email) - Progress on "top five" bug list (Bob's 13 March e-mail)

Topic: CVS commits and testing changes (TJ's 12 March e-mail followed by Mihael's comments) We will get a test machine ? step before production. Everything that is in CVS will go on to that machine for testing before we deploy the changes to production. We will still have other machines for development and testing.

Topic: Server performance (Bob's 13 March e-mail) & load-balancing (Liz?s 13th email) Do another load-balancing test with students and j-meter.

Where should they be hosted?

Mike:. Set it up so other people could use it (e.g., VNC into that machine and run a well-defined set of tests. Griodine?

Tibi: Readme on the wiki is there.

Bob: We seem to be running out of some resource ? disk space perhaps?. Frequent disk access?

TJ: Providing a local queue for jobs to avoid the problem of having too many concurrent jobs that don?t finish.

Issues: balancing uneven;

Bob?s List: Performance: Availability (freedom from outages, restarting Tomcat), Throughput and Response Time

Three types of restart: Automatic restart Preventive restart: watch load and restart when the load hits an unacceptable level Emergency restarts

Procedural: we need to establish policy for this.

Mike: Trigger to let us know when we are in trouble.

Mike: Accurate log of how many analyses are being run and how long they are taking. Maybe Kickstart is installed and we already have data. If not, we should install Kickstart.

Ben?s idea to make a separate database for our project to handle VDS. (metadata part ) might speed things up.

We have a trade-off between the priority of Interactive over Batch Work

Mike: Consider Nice? the batch job. Lower the cpu priority of the job so it does not interfere with the others (assuming it is not a cpu problem).

***Action Item: Kickstart ? on local jobs ? turned on. ? ongoing report. Mihael will look. The data may already be there. Look for kickstart data.

Bob will send his wish list.

***Tom L. Star and Atlas analysis tool packages ? wait until March 26 and 27th = UC Conference ? March 26th, 27th

www10 may be the location of the Star and Amelia sites.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 14 Mar 2007

This topic: ELabs > FGCSSPCFPFGCS2013SI > MeetingMinutes > MeetingNotes20070314
Topic revision: 2007-03-14, LizQuigg
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