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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 21:42 (GMT)

June 2016: This page appears to be substantially out of date. TLA/Bluestone, the tla/ directory structure, Grid computing, and links to spy seem to no lo...
Collaborative Tools Collaborative tools will be important to ELabs in at least two ways: 1 Allowing the developers to collaborate with each other even th...
LIGO Documentation There is a need for a wide variety of different kinds of documentation for the LIGO e Lab(s). We cannot hope to create all this ourselves, s...
r8 - 2008-12-11 - 20:20 by EricMyers
LIGO e Lab Notes and Links The LIGO experiment monitors seismic activity at its observatory sites in Livingston, LA and Hanford, WA in order to account for this b...
Meeting Notes for 22 August 2007 Present: Liz, Eric, Mihael, Bob, Mike W., Tom L. Absent: Tom J., Tibi Wiki/Forum Issue (Carry over from last telecon) Bob had ...
r7 - 2007-08-29 - 21:37 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 5 September 2007 Present: Liz, Eric, Mihael, Bob, Tom L., Tom J. Absent: Mike W. Issues with www11 The www11 machine is still not working prop...
Meeting Notes for 1 October 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom J., Bob, Tom L. , Dan K. Absent: Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao CMS Week Report from Dan K. Dan talk...
Meeting Notes for 12 November 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric Absent: Liz, Tom J., Bob, Tom L., Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Dan K. CI computer accounts Eric reports ...
Meeting Notes for 19 June Present: TomJ, Liz, Ken and Edit General * Drupal: * Discussed creating groups and pages for some of the documentation in Med...
NEW - 2013-06-19 - 18:06 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 26 June Present: TomJ, Liz, Ken and Edit General * Drupal: * Need to ask Senem for suggestions on how to upload big files. * Ch...
NEW - 2013-06-26 - 16:42 by eperonja
* Priorities Analyses Two issues: 1 Providing better feedback to user regarding the status of their jobs so they don t sit and wait for it to finish. 1 How...
NEW - 2013-10-07 - 17:35 by liz
QuarkNet Forums At the end of October, 2008, Marge asked Eric to set up a site to host forums and wikis for QuarkNet, independent of the ELabs forums and wikis. ...
Troubleshooting Cookbook Tomcat restart on www18: sudo service tomcat6 restart Tomcat restart on www13: sudo /etc/init.d/i2u2tomcat restart We're still running on...
r2 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
Building Software from Source Code Our servers now run a fairly up to date version of Ubuntu Linux, which includes most of the software we need. We prefer to use ...
Number of topics: 14
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