Backlinks to LocalSetupGuide in all Webs (Search ELabs Web only)

Results from ELabs web retrieved at 05:51 (GMT)

ELabs Development Systems The VMs {name} purpose i2u2 prod Server for e Labs site i2u2 dev Development prior to deplo...
Installing Eclipse Eclipse requires the Java SDK, so be sure you have Java installed before attempting to install it. Ubuntu 16.04 Eclipse should exist in the Un...
Kerberos There are three basic steps to configuring Kerberos: 1. Install Kerberos so that you can authenticate using it. If in doubt, look for the program or pac...
Installing Apache One of the most popular websevers in the world. You can download it from, but you probably don't need to because it is...
r2 - 2016-03-11 - 14:23 by jgriffith
Local Filestructure The quarkcat user We create a system user called quarkcat to maintain consistency among developers. On a Linux system, create this user as ...
Ant Local Installation Ant is yet another Apache product that specializes in converting source files into Java applications. We use Ant during the deployment proc...
Apache Local Installation Apache is possibly the world's most popular server software. We currently use Apache 2.4. Official Apache HTTP Server home page Officia...
Local Configuration File Settings There are four files directly within the quarkcat/ directory that you must edit to reflect your local environment:, .v...
Installing Java Java can be annoying to keep straight, with its multiple overlapping components and inconsistent version numbering. Its components are JRE Java ...
Local Users and Permissions On the VMs, we created an OS user and group called quarkcat to control the necessary functions behind the website. The Apache and Tomc...
PostgreSQL Local Installation Installation Postgres client and server programs are packaged separately, with different naming conventions per OS. OS X Ubuntu 1...
Subversion local installation Installation OS X / MacOS Ubuntu 16.04 Fedora 23 SVN is in the main repository (1.9.4 as of July 2016). There are three packages...
Tomcat Local Installation Tomcat home page Tomcat wiki Tomcat is an Apache product similar to Apache Server except that it specializes in serving JSP files, which...
Apache Subversion (SVN) Subversion (SVN) is a powerful, centralized version control system that stores source code and allows changes to it to be tracked over tim...
Number of topics: 14

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