LIGO already uses some Grid software, and it would be useful to have the ELabs LIGO e-Lab software use LIGO Grid resources when possible and to be compatible with LIGO Grid efforts when that is possible.

LIGO is a member of the Open Science Grid (OSG) consortium, as well as a participant in GriPhyN (the Grid Physics Network)

It should be noted that LIGO began working on coordinating distributed computing efforts before "The Grid" was named (invented?). Some of the ideas are therefore found in the LIGO software, even if they are not based on "globus" branded grid tools.

Eric is aware of these efforts, but not an expert.

  • LSC DataGrid - The LSC DataGrid is the combination of LSC computational and data storage resources with so called "Grid Computing middleware" to create a coherent and uniform LSC data analysis environment.

  • LDR - LDR is a suite of tools that together allow for the bulk replication of raw and other data from site to site. The LDR package includes MySQL, Globus RLS, Globus GridFTP, Python, and Python scripts to glue it all together. LDR is used to "publish" LIGO data for analysis by LSC scientists.

-- Main.EricMyers - 14 Jun 2007

This topic: ELabs > FGCSSPCFPFGCS2013SI > LIGOE-Lab > LIGOGrid
Topic revision: 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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