LIGO Frame-to-Stream conversion

Each .gwf frame file represents a "snapshot" of data across multiple sensors. For example, the frame H-M-1061380800-3600.gwf will contain one hour's worth (3600 s) of minute-trend data from all sensors at the Hanford site: all stations (LVEA, MX, EX, ...), all accelerometers (X, Y, Z), all DMT frequency bands (1HZ3, 10HZ30, ...), and so on.

Each frame file must be "disassembled" into its various sources so that data from each source can be added onto the end of the stream file it corresponds to. This is what the program ImportData does.

ImportData runs nightly after all frame files have been received.

The cronjob
30 0 * * * /usr/local/ligotools/i2u2tools/bin/ImportData /disks/i2u2/ligo/data/frames/trend_after23April2013 /usr/local/ligotools/ligotools /disks/i2u2/ligo/data/streams
runs the script i2u2-data: /usr/local/ligotools/i2u2tools/bin/ImportData.

This shell script is, in its entirety,
java -cp /usr/local/ligotools/i2u2tools/java "$@"
a call to the java program

i2u2-data: /local/ligotools/i2u2tools/java/gov/fnal/elab/ligo/data/convert/

-- Main.JoelG - 2017-02-07



This topic: ELabs > FGCSSPCFPFGCS2013SI > LIGOE-Lab > LIGOFrameStreamConvert
Topic revision: 2017-02-07, JoelG
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