Fermilab accounts for QuarkNet developers

Fermilab accounts are managed through the Fermilab Service Desk.

Your main Fermilab account is also called a Services account. This covers most of your electronic interaction with the lab. It includes
  • A Fermilab ID number
  • A username (or principal) for all Fermi-related computer accounts
  • A @fnal.gov email address (you'll be able to configure forwarding to your usual address during setup)

In addition to the Services account, you will also be assigned a Kerberos account. Kerberos is a user authentication protocol that allows secure connections between remote computers and the laboratory - similar to SSH, but better (and correspondingly more difficult to work with, sometimes). Fermi maintains a useful guide for using Kerberos at the lab.

Your Services password and Kerberos password are different, as the underlying accounts are different. After the two passwords are assigned to you, you'll receive separate instructions for changing them. Do so, and keep up with both!

Once you've changed your initial Services password, register your Services account with Fermilab's password manager. This lets you reset your Services password without going through the Service Desk if you forget it. If you forget your Kerberos password, you'll have to contact the Service Desk to have someone reset it for you.

-- Main.JoelG - 2016-03-31



This topic: ELabs > WebHome > HowToGuide > FermiAccount
Topic revision: 2016-03-31, JoelG
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