You are here: Foswiki>ELabs Web>FGCSSPCFPFGCS2013SI>EntryPoints (2013-08-07, forero)Edit Attach

Current Front Doors

The e-Lab front door is: --> Granted this is a redirect to 'cosmic', this will eventually lead to all the e-Lab choices. Presently, only 'cosmic' is in the field with active "non-developing" users. This is what is on Bob's business card so he has told lots of teachers about this. Currently it shows the project page for the Cosmic.
  • -> goes to project page.
  • --> presently not active

* - The clustered entry point to cosmic -> splash page animation on quarknet that then goes to We also have the splash page on the i2u2 site and a link on the project page to the student home goes to the splash page instead of home.jsp so that we can ensure that the students see the splash page.

Also goes to an introduction of the i2u2 project. This is content that has been moved from and

Handling Login to e-Labs with Load-Balancing

Currently we have logins in the individual e-Labs on the individual machines (www11, etc.). With the introduction of load-balancing, we need a scheme to allow users to login to any e-Lab with a URL and then be redirected to the individual machines. Already bookmarked logins should redirect as well so users can use their old bookmarks, but still take advantage of the load-balancing.

The attached document discusses these issues and suggests some solutions. Here is a Wiki Version of it:

* Login Issues - a Proposal for Handling Logins with Load-Balancing

I made a prototype at In the document, I think I left out the "8080" in the URL in the document.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 17 Jan 2007 * login_issues.doc: Handling logins with load-balancing
Topic revision: r17 - 2013-08-07, forero
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