You are here: Foswiki>ELabs Web>Archive (2014-04-03, eperonja)Edit Attach

Server Configuration

  • Cluster Configuration - cluster hardware status, e-Lab software status, system reliability, bug tracking issues, future development issues
  • Web Server Software - New documentation for web server software (with as much software pulled from repositories as we can)
  • Web Build - server software that we build from source code: why we do it this way, and how to do it. This includes Apache httpd, PHP, MySQL and other web server tools.
  • Web Server Configuration - documentation of web server build and configuration
  • VM Pool - list of MAC addresses
  • Database Configuration - documentation of database server software build and configuration
  • Webalizer Configuration - tool for usage statistics


  • CleanupPlan20061219
  • DevelopmentPlan20070718
  • NewVersionDeploymentPlan20071121

Phong's general documentation

-- Main.EditPeronja - 2014-04-03
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-04-03, eperonja
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